Figure 1. Relationship between ancestry and the distribution of neutrophil count.
(A) Distribution of normally transformed absolute neutrophil count for the three classes of genotype at rs2814778. Individuals who are homozygous for the null allele have distinctly lower neutrophil count (−0.35±0.89 standard deviations compared with the mean) than individuals who are carriers for the functional allele (0.76±0.89). We were able to place constraints on the frequency of the high neutrophil count allele in (B) West Africans, and (C) European Americans by assuming that the observed distributions of neutrophil count for each ancestry class (which we marked in practice by the genotype at rs2814778) are a mixture of distributions specified by the underlying allele frequency. The results indicate a 99% probability that the frequency is <4.9% in Africans and also a 99% probability that the frequency is >95.2% in Europeans.