Figure 1.
The spatial layout of the stimuli for this experiment. In frames A and B, the square above the horizontal line is the target or referent; the bottom two squares are the choice alternatives that must be matched to the target based on color preference, or color similarity. The colors are actual examples from the experiment. The choice alternatives in Frame A are equidistant from each other, and equally similar to the referent. The saturation and luminance were also equal. This type of ambiguous stimulus is representative of the two subjective conditions ISD and ESD. The red green blue (RGB) values for the colors are as follows (counterclockwise from the top): 90,180,180; 180,90,180; 180,180,90. Frame B is representative of the EVD control condition in which the participant made a veridical decision about which of the two color choices was most similar to the target. The RGB values in Frame B are: 255,100,100; 255,150,150; 51,51,255.