Quantification of starvation-induced autophagy in sex-segregated
neurons. A, time-lapsed images of neurons from male (XY) and
female (XX) GFP-LC3+/- mice showing formation of GFP-enriched
vacuoles consistent with autophagosome formation. Times ranged from 0 to 82
min and were captured from Video S1. B and C,
three-dimensional quantification of fluorescent intensity in
GFP-LC3+/- mouse cortical neurons transfected with 20 nmol of
Atg7 siRNA or a nontargeting scrambled control siRNA 72 h before
nutrient deprivation. Atg7 siRNA reduced GFP-LC3 fluorescent
intensity in XY neurons at 24 h. AU, arbitrary units; data from 8
regions (3000 pixels2)/slide, 4 slides/group; mean ± S.D.;
*, p < 0.05 versus control; †,
p < 0.05 versus XY; ‡, p < 0.05
versus control siRNA; ANOVA with Dunnett's post hoc