Sex-specific increases in lipid droplets and triglycerides during
starvation in neurons. A, LipidTox™ staining showing
increased aggregation of neutral lipids (green) in neurons from
females (XX) during ND. B, lipid aggregates were quantified and
expressed as aggregates/cell (identified by Hoechst, blue; n
= 5 high power fields/group from three independent experiments). C,
typical positive ion ESI-mass spectra of TG molecular species isolated from 10
× 106 pooled primary rat cortical neurons before and after ND
and MS/MS of TG major ion at m/z 876.8 (52:2) (D).
E, TG content in neurons from males (XY) and females before and after
ND (mean ± S.D. from five runs from the pooled samples). Mean ±
S.D.; *, p < 0.05 versus control; †,
p < 0.05 versus XY; ANOVA with Dunnett's post
hoc test.