Top, the general scheme of formation of functional NS3-RNA
complex, where S is an RNA substrate; E is NS3 protein; P is unwound
product; EnS* is the functional complex, and
n is number of NS3 molecules bound to the RNA substrate in the
functional complex. Bottom, the experimental design of functional
complex formation experiments. The RNA substrate is preincubated with NS3 for
variable time Δt, after which unwinding is initiated by the
addition of ATP and trap oligonucleotide. The trap oligonucleotide is included
to sequester any unbound protein and to prevent re-binding of NS3 to the RNA
substrate during the unwinding reaction (single cycle unwinding conditions).
The unwinding reactions are allowed to proceed to completion (90 s), after
which unwinding amplitudes (Aunw) are determined for each
Δt by resolving the unwound products by native PAGE.