Receptors fused to distinct recycling sequences localize to Hrs-associated endosomes but differ in Hrs-dependent regulation of recycling. A, confocal optical sections of cells showing the localization of labeled δOR-PDZbd (red) and co-expressed GFP-Hrs (green) in HEK293 cells incubated in the absence of ligand (control), in the presence of 10 μm DADLE for 25 min (DADLE), or with 10 μm DADLE followed by washout and subsequent incubation for 45 min in the presence of 10 μm naloxone (DADLE->Naloxone). Top panels show a typical example of cells not expressing GFP-Hrs, and lower panels show a typical example of cells expressing GFP-Hrs at levels that produce visible endosome enlargement. B, similar experiments conducted in cells expressing the δOR-Abd. Images shown are representative of at least four independent experiments.