Figure 5. Kainate is a weak partial agonist of GluR4.
(A) The response of a representative outside-out patch to a 100 ms pulse of 10 mM glutamate (left) or kainate (right) is shown for GluR4-WT (A, C) and GluR4-L484Y (B) receptors in the absence (A,B) or presence (C) of 100 μM cyclothiazide. The horizontal bar represents the time of agonist application. Traces for kainate (right) are scaled up 2.5× relative to traces for glutamate (left). (D) Normalized dose-response curves are shown for GluR4-L484Y using kainate (●) and glutamate (□). Curves were acquired using whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings. Data were fit using the Hill equation y=Imax* xn/( kn + xn ), where y = I/Imax, Imax = maximum current amplitude, x = [agonist], n = Hill coefficient, and k = EC50.