Table 1.
Group 1=Surgery on the deviated eye for recurred exotropia after surgery of sensory exotropia on the deviated eye; Group 2=Surgery on the deviated eye for exotropia after surgery of sensory esotropia on the deviated eye; Group 3=Surgery on the deviated eye for recurred esotropia after surgery of sensory esotropia on the deviated eye; F=female; M=male; Dev=deviation; PD=prism diopters; Lat=laterality of operated eye; R=right; L=left; B=bilateral; R(L)ET=right (left) esotropia; R(L)XT=right (left) exotropia; Ortho=orthophoria; MR=medial rectus muscle. LR=lateral rectus muscle; IR=inferior rectus muscle; Post-op=postoperative; F/U=follow-up; Rec=recession; Resec=resection; Reop=reoperation; *insufficient information due to loss of medical chart or incorrect information; †lost to follow-up after 1 month.