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. 2008;21(12):1063–1074. doi: 10.1177/0269215507082338

Table 2.

Summary of methods

Ref. Study design Participants Type of seat Tilt angles Timing and order of tilt Comments Evidence level
(a) Studies involving posterior tilt
3 Case study 1, 9-year old with CP Wheelchair including head rest, lateral and anterior trunk support, foot support. 90° seat-to-back angle 0°, 15° and 30° posterior tilt 10 sessions with 20 min at each tilt angle in variable order 5
4 1: Cross-over study 10 adults with MS Same manual wheelchair 0° and 25° posterior tilt 15 min upright then 15 min tilted 4
2: RCT 20 adults with MS 0° and 25° or 45° posterior tilt Upright then tilted. No acclimatization period Subjects randomly assigned to 25° or 45° tilt angle 2
5, 20 Cross-over study 12 adults with complete SCI Reclining/tilting wheelchair with seat cushion, arm and foot rests. 100° seat-to-back angle 0°, 10° and 20° posterior tilt Set order for testing positions. 15 min acclimatization in each position 6 other positions tested within session 4
6 Cross-over study 2 adults with C5 quadriplegia Subjects’ own wheelchairs with 100° seat-to-back angle 0°, 35° and 45° posterior tilt Single session with set order for positions: 0°, 35°, 45° and 0° (repeated) 2 other positions tested. Repeated on 3 seat cushions 5
7 Cross-over study 15 children (7–18 years) with myelo- meningocele Chair with back and head rest, foam cushion on base, 90° seat-to-back angle 0° and 25° posterior tilt Randomized order for positions with each position repeated twice. 30 seconds data collection in each position 3 other positions also tested 2
15 Cross-over study 16 adults, SCI, motor complete tetraplegia Subjects’ own powered wheelchairs. 95° median seat-to-back angle 5° median and 45° posterior tilt Upright for 1 min, then tilted for 1 min Repeated on 2 seat cushions. Inter-subject position variations 4
16 Cross-over study 18 adults with complete SCI (C5–L2) Powered wheelchair with 90° seat-to-back angle 5°, 15° and 25° posterior tilt 3 sessions with all conditions tested in random order in session. 15 seconds in each condition Testing repeated at 3 cushion inflation pressures 2
17 Cross-over study 11 children (4–8 years) with spastic CP 90° seat-to-back angle, head rest, lateral trunk supports, adductor wedge; foot rest 0° and 150 posterior tilt Single session with random order to positions. 3 min acclimatization in each position 5 other positions also tested 2
19 Cross-over study 20 adults with complete thoracic SCI Chair with back and foot rests, 100° seat-to-back angle 0°, 7° and 12° posterior tilt Single session with random tilt order. Each position repeated twice 1 other position tested. Subjects undertook reaching task during measurement 2
21 Cross-over study 14 adults, C6-T10 motor complete SCI E&J Premier (upright) and Quickie Breezy 500 (4° posterior tilt) wheelchairs. 90° seat-to-back angle 0° and 4° posterior tilt Single session, with random order for testing chairs. Time in chairs not specified Additional differences between wheelchairs. Chair with acute seat-to-back angle also tested 4
25 Cross-over study 10 adults with SCI Subjects’ own wheelchair with seat cushion 0°, 35° and 65° posterior tilt Single session with set order for positions: 0°, 35°, 65° Another position also tested 4
27 Cross-over study 12 children (6–18 years) with CP (spastic diplegia) As in ref. 18. Hip abductor also included 0° and 30° posterior tilt Single session with random tilt order. 5 min acclimatization in each position 2
29 Cross-over study 6 children with spastic CP, mean age 6 years Upholstered seat base, foot rests. No back rest nor arm rests 0° and 10° anterior tilt 2–3 min acclimatization, 5 min upright 5 min tilted. Repeated at 3 sessions Subjects independent sitters and ambulatory 4
(b) Studies involving anterior and posterior tilt
22 Case series 23 children with CP (2–16 years) Range of seats, providing foot, pelvic and trunk support. Seat-to-back angle ranging from 9° to 130° 0–30° posterior (mean 8°) and 0–15° anterior tilt (mean 8°) Single session with random order to positions and 5 min in each position Tilt angles varied between subjects. Seats also varied between subjects and tilts. Repeated with table and abductor 5
24 Cross-over study. 10 children with spastic CP 90° seat-to-back angle, head rest, lateral trunk supports, chest panel, foot rest 0°, 15°, 30° posterior and 15° anterior tilt Random order to tilt positions, then repeated in reverse order. 5 min acclimatization in each position 3 children with athetoid CP also measured (analysed separately) 2
28 Cross-over study 10 children with spastic CP (4–15 years) Chair with back rest and foot support. 90° seat-to-back angle changed to 95° for anterior tilt 0°, 5° posterior and 5° anterior tilt 3 sessions with one randomly selected tilt angle per session Measurements during ‘quiet sitting’ and during upper extremity activity 2
(c) Studies involving anterior tilt
18 Cross-over study 15 children (2–6 years) with developmental delay and/or CP Adjustable bench with non-skid surface 0°, 20° and 30° anterior tilt Single session of 30 min. Random order for testing positions with 1 min acclimatization in each position 2 other positions/seats measured. Limited control over bench postures 4
26 Cross-over study 20 adults with complete thoracic SCI Chair with flat/ramped seat base, foot support, and support behind trunk. 0° and 10° anterior tilt Single session. Upright then tilted Base only tilted. Subjects undertook reaching task 4
23 Cross-over study 14 children with CP (5–11 years) Upholstered seat base, foot rests. No back rest nor arm rests 0°, 10° and 15° anterior tilt Four 20-minute sessions each at 2 tilt angles (0–10°, 10–0°, 0–15°, 15–0°) Subjects independent sitters and ambulatory 2

CP, cerebral palsy; MS, multiple sclerosis; SCI, spinal cord injury.