(A). Ca++ - flux in response to 10 μM of the following peptides: C-terminally extended gastrin (GasCEP), Gly-extended gastrin (G-gly) or progastrin (PG); (B). CCK-2R- dependent Ca++ flux in AGS/CCK-B cells treated with various concentrations of Gas-CEP peptide (nM): 5000(1), 500(2), 50(3) or 20(4) and Ca++ ionophore, ionomycin (1μg/ml); (C). Effective Ca++ - flux in response to the completely processed hormone, amidated gastrin (20 nM). The baseline Ca++ level in loaded AGSE cells is shown on each graph. The stimulant was added at the time indicated by the arrow. Representative data for one of three performed experiments is shown.