ALX associates with LAX via two distinct regions. (A) Shown is a schematic of the ALX truncations utilized to map the site(s) of LAX interactions. The gray shaded area represents the ALX SH2 domain. The schematic is not shown to scale. (B) Expression plasmids for myc-tagged wt LAX were co-transfected into 293T cells with YFP-tagged wt ALX or ALX truncation mutants along with vector controls (in the first lane, cells were transfected with unfused YFP and empty vector, in the second, with YFP and LAX). Whole cell extracts were generated and subject to immunoprecipitation with antibodies to YFP. Western blotting was then performed with antibodies to ALX, and myc (LAX) to assess protein expression, immunoprecipitation of ALX, and co-precipitation of LAX.