Fig.2. PCR amplification of alternative splice variants.
PCR products for specific alternative splice variants are only amplified when exon boundary-spanning primers are used. (A), Transcripts containing the exon junctions of 6/7 and 6/8 are only amplified using the full-length boundary-spanning primers (column 4,5). In contrast, no products are detected using half the boundary-spanning primer (columns 1–3). Asterisk underlies a faint PCR product detected for boundary-spanning primer E6/7-3′. Findings are in agreement with the real-time PCR results presented in Fig.3D. (B), Transcripts containing the exon junctions of 23/24 and of 23/25 are only amplified using the full-length boundary-spanning primers (columns 4–5). In contrast, no PCR products are detected using half the boundary-spanning primer (columns 1–3).