Fig. 6. Heterogeneous population of ankyrin-B polypeptides in heart.
(A) Ankyrin-B immunoblot of protein lysates from ankyrin-B+/+ and ankyrin-B−/− hearts. Upper panel, lysates were separated on a 3–8% Tris-Acetate gel, while the lower panel depicts lysates separated on a 10% Bis-Tris gel. Equal loading was demonstrated by Coomassie Blue (B) and NHERF1 immunoblot (C). Note multiple ankyrin-B polypeptide products in wild-type hearts. Asterisks denote 220 kD and 160 kD ankyrin-B isoforms. (D) Ankyrin-B immunoblot of protein lysate from left ventricular tissue of human heart. Arrows indicate multiple ankyrin-B isoforms. Asterisk denotes the predominant 220 kD ankyrin-B isoform.