Figure 10.
Gene Expression Changes of RB Target Genes in Preantral Follicles from Control and Rb cKO Females
Real-time PCR analysis of mRNA from WT and Rb cKO (Rbflox/–, Amhr2Cre+) preantral follicles isolated from 12-d-old females. Preantral follicles were collected from three independent control and Rb cKO females. Average and SEM are shown. A significant increase was seen in the relative quantity (RQ) of E2f1 (A), Ccne2 (B), Rbl2/ p130 (D), Tgfb2 (E) and Myc (F) in Rb cKO preantral follicles. No significant changes were observed in Rbl1/p107 levels (C).Other gene expression changes are shown in Fig. 11 and Table 3. The value of one the control samples was set to equal 1. *, P < 0.05.