Superovulation and Timed-Mating Experiments in Control and Rb cKO Mice
Four to five 3- or 6-wk-old WT and Rbflox/−Amhr2Cre+ (Rb cKO) were superovulated, and the number of ovulated oocytes per female was recorded. Results are presented as average number of oocytes ± sem (n = 4 and 5). B, Confocal analysis of meiosis II oocytes. Oocytes retrieved from superovulated 3-wk-old WT and Rb cKO females were collected, fixed, and immunostained with β-tubulin to visualize the meiotic spindle (green). Chromatin was stained with propidium Iodide (red). Arrowheads show misaligned chromosomes or unattached spindle fibers. Magnification, ×800. D, Stained oocytes were analyzed by confocal microscopy, and the percentage of oocytes showing abnormal spindles and/or chromosome alignment was recorded (n = 3). Results are shown as the average percentage of normal and abnormal oocytes ± sem. *, P < 0.05.