Expression of DAT constitutively depolarizes cells. A,
representative current-voltage (I(V)) relationships of
DAT-mediated currents in DAT-expressing cells (open squares) compared
with I(V) relationships in parental, nontransfected cells
(closed circles). Cells were voltage-clamped with a whole-cell patch
pipette containing 30 mm Na+ without DA present inside
or outside the cells (see “Materials and Methods”). Whole-cell
currents were obtained by stepping the membrane potential in -20 mV steps
between -100 to +60 mV, from a holding potential of -20 mV. The
I(V) curves were obtained after subtracting currents in the
presence of 10 μm of the DAT inhibitor, cocaine (see
“Materials and Methods”). B, left panel shows the
expansion of A near the two reversal potentials. The
I(V) curves were fit to polynomials (solid lines)
from the reversal potentials (n = 8–9). Right panel
depicts bar graphs of the mean resting potentials measured in
DAT-transfected cells (-36.5 ± 5.5) and parental nontransfected cells
(-56.3 ± 4.7) p < 0.05.