Western blots of purified full-length C464A thrombin-cleavable DsbD
before and after thrombin cleavage. Penta-His HRP-conjugated antibody was
used in lanes 1-8 and goat antiserum raised against cDsbD of E.
coli DsbD was used in lanes 9-16. Lanes 1, 4, 9, and 12
show molecular mass markers (from the top these are 49, 38, 28, and 14 kDa);
lanes 2 and 10 show the negative control (nDsbD with no
affinity tag); lanes 3 and 11 show the positive control
(cDsbD bearing a C-terminal His6 tag). C464A thrombin-cleavable
DsbD is shown in lanes 5 and 13 before alkylation of free
thiols (A) and thrombin cleavage (T), in lanes 6
and 14 without alkylation and after thrombin cleavage, in lanes
7 and 15 after alkylation and thrombin cleavage, and in
lanes 8 and 16 after alkylation and thrombin cleavage in the
presence of reductant (R). The cDsbD band can be seen at ∼14 kDa
in lanes 3 and 11, and in 6-8 and 14-16 in
Box III (this construct runs as a diffuse double band on SDS-PAGE
because its PelB signal sequence, which targets the protein to the periplasm,
is cleaved inefficiently by the signal peptidase, leaving a large fraction of
the protein uncleaved (confirmed by mass spectrometry and N-terminal
sequencing)). The uncleaved C464A thrombin-cleavable DsbD band can be seen at
∼49 kDa (the actual mass of the protein is 60.8 kDa; a difference between
the two masses is common for membrane proteins) in lanes 5-8 and
13-16 (box I) along with another band at ∼28 kDa that is
a contaminant commonly seen after the purification of this protein. The
nDsbD-cDsbD mixed disulfide band can be seen at ∼32 kDa in lanes 6, 7,
14, and 15 (box II) and it disappears in the presence
of reductant in lanes 8 and 16. 2-3 μg of total protein
were loaded in each lane.