Figure 4.
Effect of first time placement in arena or fifth time placement in arena (with zero, one, or five novel objects) on relative Fos expression within hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, and perirhinal cortex. Rats were placed for the first time in a circular arena that contained zero objects on its floor (“Naïve” group), or fifth time in the arena with zero, one, or five novel objects on the floor. After arena exposure (30 min) rats were returned to their home cage for an additional 120 min. Control rats remained in their home cage. The relative Fos expression in the various subregions is presented in the order left to right that approximates the serial order of neural connections between these subregions, ending with perirhinal cortex that has reciprocal connections with entorhinal cortex (ERC = lateral entorhinal cortex, DG = dentate gyrus). * P < 0.05, compared to home-cage control treatment group (N–K test). †, # P < 0.05, compared to rats placed in the arena for the fifth time with zero objects (“Arena” group); (†, N–K test; #, Fisher’s least significant difference test).