Effects of Cdc5 phosphorylation on Zip1 assembly and response of rec8-6A and rec8-29A cells to recombination checkpoint defects. (A, C, and E) Wild-type (A20066, ■) and cdc5-mn (A5844, ▴) cells were induced to sporulate. At the indicated times the percentage of cells with unassembled spindles (A) and chromosome spreads were assayed for Zip1 staining (C) and full Zip1 staining (E). The percentage of cells in the individual Zip1 categories is shown in Supplemental Figure S10, A and B. Note that these data are from the same experiment as is presented in Figure 7, so the wild-type control is identical in both figures. (B, D, and F) Wild-type (A14655, ■) and rec8-psa (A15364, ▴) were induced to sporulate. At the indicated times the percentage of cells with unassembled spindles (B) and chromosome spreads were assayed for Zip1 staining (D) and full Zip1 staining (F). The percentage of cells in the individual Zip1 categories is shown in Supplemental Figure S10, C and D. (G) Wild-type (A1972, ■), mek1Δ (A20156, ▴), rec8-6A (A15042, ·), rec8-6A mek1Δ (A20154, □), rec8-29A (A14385, ▵), and rec8-29A mek1Δ (A20157, ○) cells were induced to sporulate. At the indicated times the percentage of cells with unassembled spindles. Note that this experiment was performed concomitantly with that shown in H. Hence the controls are identical. (H) Wild-type (A1972, ■), pch2Δ (A21053, ▴), rec8-6A (A15042, ·), rec8-6A pch2Δ (A20151, □), rec8-29A (A14385, ▵), and rec8-29A pch2Δ (A20164, ○) cells were induced to sporulate. At the indicated times the percentage of cells with unassembled spindles.