Figure 4.
[SWI+] is dominantly and cytoplasmically inherited. (a) [SWI+] diploids show Raf- phenotype. Diploid cells derived from the indicated crosses were grown in YPD to mid-log phase and spotted onto a raffinose or YPD plate with a fivefold serial dilution. (b) All meiotic progenies of [SWI+] show the Raf- phenotype. Shown are representative phenotypic assays of a full set of spores derived from isogenic [SWI+] or [SWI-] diploids. (c) [SWI+] cytoductants of c10B-H49 showed the Raf- phenotype that could be eliminated by hsp104Δ. Shown are donors, 74D-694 [PSI+][SWI+] (left) or [psi-][SWI+] (right); recipient, c10B-H49 [psi-][SWI-]; cytoductants, [PSI+][SWI+] (left) or [psi-][SWI+] (right); and the hsp104Δ derivatives of the corresponding cytoductants.