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. 2008 May 21;1(1):21–26. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-8062.2008.00017.x

Table 2.

Nonsynonymous nucleotide alterations in six FDC/IDC genes.

Gene/Proband Exon Nucleotide change* Amino acid change Conservation Segregation| Disease‐associated? Diagnosis, FDC or IDC Previously reported cardiovascular disease Reference
A. MYH7, β‐myosin heavy chain
A.1# 8 4231C>T Arg237Trp Yes Possibly FDC
A.2 23 11900G>C Val964Leu Yes Possibly FDC
A.3 23 11919C>T Ala970Val Yes Possibly FDC
A.4 25 13547C>T Arg1045Cys Yes Possibly IDC
A.5 26 14831G>T Asp1096Tyr Yes Possibly FDC
A.6 26 14831G>T Asp1096Tyr Yes Possibly IDC
A.7 30 17536C>T Arg1359Cys Yes Possibly IDC
A.8 32 18666C>T Arg1500Trp Yes Yes Likely FDC DCM 34
A.9 34 19738G>A Glu1619Lys Yes Possibly FDC
A.10 35 20125G>A Val1691Met Yes Possibly FDC HCM 35
A.11 37 20709G>C** Gly1808Ala Yes Likely FDC
A.12 39 21994C>G His1901Gln Yes Possibly FDC Skeletal myopathy 36
A.13 38 21766G>A Arg1863Gln Yes Possibly FDC
B. TNNT2, cardiac troponin T
B.1 11/10 13712C>G Arg134Gly Yes Yes Likely FDC
B.2 11/10 13763C>T** Arg151Cys Yes Likely IDC
B.3 12/11 14679G>A Arg159Gln Yes Possibly IDC
B.4 13 16080C>T Arg205Trp Yes Likely IDC DCM 18
B.5 13 16096_16098delAGA Lys210del N/A Likely FDC DCM 10, 11, 18, 37
B.6 13 16096_16098delAGA Lys210del N/A Yes Likely FDC DCM 10, 11, 18, 37
B.7 13 16096_16098delAGA Lys210del N/A Yes Likely FDC DCM 10, 11, 18, 37
B.8 13 16096_16098delAGA Lys210del N/A Yes Likely FDC DCM 10, 11, 18, 37
B.9 14 16742G>T Glu244Asp Yes Possibly IDC HCM 38
C. SCN5A, cardiac sodium channel
C.1 6 36665C>T Ser216Leu Yes Possibly IDC Long QT 39
C.2 6 36665C>T Ser216Leu Yes Possibly IDC Long QT
C.3 6 36683G>A Arg222GLN Yes Yes Likely FDC
C.4 12 46439G>A Arg526His Yes No Unlikely IDC Brugada Syndrome 40
C.5§ 12 46577C>A Ala572Asp No No Unlikely FDC Long QT 41
C.6 13 51466C>T Pro648Leu Yes Possibly FDC Long QT 42
C.7 28 99599T>C Ile1835Thr Yes Yes Likely FDC
C.8 28 100108C>G Pro2005Ala Yes Possibly IDC Long QT 43
D. TCAP, titin‐cap or telethonin
D.1 1 1630G>A Arg18Gln Yes Possibly IDC
D.2 2 1968G>A Glu49Lys Yes Possibly IDC
D.3∥∥ 2 2244C>G Pro141Ala Yes No Unlikely IDC
E. LDB3, limb domain‐binding 3
E.1 8 41461G>A Ala371Thr No Unlikely FDC
E.2 12 57781G>A Ala698Thr Yes Possibly IDC
E.3# 12 57781G>A Ala698Thr Yes Possibly FDC
F. CSRP3, cysteine‐ and glycine‐rich protein 3
F.1 3 14108G>A Gly72Arg Yes Possibly IDC

*Nucleotide numbering is per the SeattleSNPs resequencing service. Amino acid numbering is per previous publications. Human sequence was compared to rat (r) and mouse (m); N/A, not applicable. Probable FDC was considered FDC, and possible FDC was considered IDC (see Methods). |Segregation means multiple affected carrying mutation and/or multiple nonaffected not carrying mutation; entry left blank because of insufficient clinical data and/or DNA specimens to assess segregation. #A.1 and E.3 is same proband with compound heterozygosity. **Homozygous mutation; Caucasian of Hispanic descent. African‐American. §Proband carries likely disease ‐causing presenilin 2 mutation. ∥∥Proband carries likely disease‐causing lamin A/C mutation.