Chloroplast relocations in Lemna trisulca fronds after a two-day exposure: (A) amplitudes of accumulation response induced by weak blue light (1,6 µmol m−2 s−1) (B) amplitudes of avoidance response in strong blue light (120 µmol m−2 s−1), velocities in (C) weak blue light, and (D) strong blue light. Each column represents the average of six to twelve measurements, each carried out with a different frond. Error bars represent SD. Asterisks denote the significance of differences (p-value calculated with the unpaired t-test, *p = 0,01-0,05; **p = 0,01-0,001; ***p < 0,001). 3-OMG - 3-O-methylglucose, glc - glucose, suc - sucrose, man - mannose, glcAM - glucosamine.