Fig. 5.
Insulin blocks ADDL-induced synapse loss. (A–C) Representative images from hippocampal neurons treated with vehicle (A), 100 nM ADDLs (B), or 100 nM ADDLs + 1 μM insulin (C) for 24 h. Spines were labeled using phalloidin (green). (D–F) Double-labeling high-magnification images of dendrites from neurons treated with vehicle (D), ADDLs (E), or ADDLs + insulin (F). Spines were labeled by phalloidin (green) and ADDLs were detected using the NU4 antibody (red). (G) Quantification of spine number per unit dendrite length. Asterisk indicates statistically significant difference (*, P < 0.001) relative to vehicle-treated neurons.