Fig. 2.
Glutamate un-caging induces calcium transients at Nrx1β-Fc beads. Neurons co-transfected with Nlg1 and PSD-95-mCherry were incubated overnight with microspheres coated with Nrx1β-Fc. (A) Example of a Nrx1β-Fc bead having recruited PSD-95-mCherry. (B) Corresponding Fluo-4 signal increase upon photo-release of glutamate at time 0. (C) Representative examples of the normalized Fluo-4 fluorescence level over time for 20 beads. Traces in red correspond to beads showing significant PSD-95 recruitment, and those in blue correspond to beads with minimal PSD-95 recruitment. (D) Relationship between PSD-95 recruitment level and the peak in Fluo-4 signal elicited upon glutamate un-caging. (E) Effect of various treatments on the calcium response, presented as mean ± SEM, where the number of beads tested is indicated in italics. The dashed line represents no change in Fluo-4 level, and responses below this baseline indicate Fluo-4 photo-bleaching. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and compared by Dunnett test to the control Nrx1β-Fc bead condition (**P < 0.01).