Fig. 4.
Lateral yeast growth is defective during Pes1 inactivation. Wild-type and pes1Δ/PES1W416R strains were grown for 9 days at 24 °C on YP 2% galactose (A), and on RPMI1640, buffered to pH 7.5 with 165 mM Mops (B). (1, 3, and 5) SC5314 (PES1/PES1). (2 and 4) JKC1155 (pes1::FRT/FRT-PES1W416R). (6) JKC1160 (pes1::FRT/FRT-PES1W416R). (1 and 2) Tips of young filaments. (3–6) Filaments emanating from colony rim. Arrows, clusters of lateral yeast. (Scale bar, 100 μm.)