Fig. 3.
The Z-DNA binding mode of hZβDAI. (A) Z-DNA recognition by R124 of hZβDAI. A magnified view near the wing region is drawn for the interfaces between hZβDAI and Z-DNA [chains A and C (Left) and chains B and D (Right)]. A σ-weighted 2 Fo − Fc omit map contoured at 1.2 σ was generated by omitting R124, R160, and the waters involved in the R124-mediated interaction. Possible hydrogen bonds among R124, water and the phosphate group of G2 are shown by dashed lines, and their distances are indicated in Å. (B) Surface charge distributions of the chain A (Left) and chain B (Right) viewed along the DNA binding cleft. The red and blue areas represent negatively and positively charged surfaces, respectively. Z-DNA chains are shown as stick models, and R124, K160 and each nucleotide are labeled.