Localization of EC-SOD and syndecan-1 in human and mouse lung sections. Green, EC-SOD; red, syndecan-1; blue, nuclear stain; yellow, co-localization. A, human lung: there is diffuse expression of EC-SOD in the normal lung parenchyma (a) and focal areas of syndecan-1 expression co-localize with EC-SOD (yellow; arrows). Areas of normal lung architecture in IPF lungs (c) show similar labeling for both EC-SOD and syndecan-1. In contrast, areas with fibrosis (b and d) show increased staining for syndecan-1 (red staining, asterisks), decreased EC-SOD (green staining, single asterisk), and only a minor portion of this syndecan-1 still co-localizes with EC-SOD (yellow staining, arrows). B, lung tissue of wild-type and EC-SOD KO mice treated with asbestos or TiO2 at 28-days post-exposure. a, normal lung architecture of TiO2 treated wild-types show diffuse EC-SOD staining (green) and focal syndecan-1 expression that co-localizes with EC-SOD (orange/yellow) similar to that seen in human lungs. b, fibrotic areas of asbestos treated wild-type mice show increased diffuse syndecan-1 staining (double asterisks) that co-localizes with EC-SOD (yellow, arrows). EC-SOD KO mouse lungs were stained for syndecan-1 depicting (c) normal lung architecture after TiO2 treatment (H&E image found in supplemental Fig. E2) and (d) fibrosis after asbestos treatment. There are significant increases in diffuse syndecan-1 staining in areas of fibrosis (double asterisks). No staining was seen with non-immune sera or IgG control staining, see supplemental Fig. E1.