Figure 4. Silencing of CDC37 reduces cell proliferation.
Proliferation of (a) HCT116 or (b) HT29 human colon cancer cells measured by SRB assay following no transfection, mock or siRNA transfection. Transfections were repeated at day 4 to sustain the silencing of CDC37. Mean from at least 3 independent repeats ± SE, *p<0.05 by paired students t-test in comparison with each control. (c) Representative cell cycle profile in HCT116 cells at 5 days following siRNA or mock transfection. (d) Mean cell cycle distribution of HCT116 cells at 5 days from 3 independent repeats ± SE, *p<0.05, **p<0.01 by non-paired students t-test in comparison with mock and IC4 controls.