FIG. 3.
Association of smoking behavior with the rs3749971 genotype and the A1-B8-DR3 haplotype. (A) HEX and FAM are primer fluorophores marking the rs3749971 T and the C allele primers, respectively. Values indicate the normalized relative number of PCR cycles necessary to reach the genotyping threshold for each allele. HEX values around 1 (or below) are indicative for the presence of the T allele, and the same is true for FAM values, indicating the presence of the C allele. Filled squares: 17 smokers; open squares: 15 nonsmokers; dots: controls. (B) Association of smoking behavior with rs3749971 genotypes. (C) Association of smoking behavior with the carrier state of A1-B8-DR3. (D) Association of A1-B8-DR3 with rs3749971 genotypes. (B-D) The number of individuals in each category is indicated above the corresponding bars, as well as the p-values, as determined by Fisher’s exact test.