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. 2009 Jan;99(1):59–65. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2008.135699


Reported Cancer Screening and Health Insurance Rates Among Workers, by Race, Ethnicity, and Occupational Status: National Health Interview Survey Cancer (NHIS) Screening Supplements, 2000–2005

US Worker Population Estimatea
NHIS Sample, No.
Screening Prevalence
All Workers
Hispanic Workers
Black Workers
Occupational status 2000 2005 2000 2005 2000, % (95% CI) 2005, % (95% CI) 2000, % (95% CI) 2005, % (95% CI) 2000, % (95% CI) 2005, % (95% CI)
Home or office blood stool screen (age ≥ 50 y)
All workers 28 562 316 32 309 880 4510 4753 43.3 (41.7, 44.9) 41.0 (39.3, 42.8) 24.9b (20.2, 29.7) 24.9b (20.2, 29.6) 42.3 (37.6, 46.9) 34.4 (29.5, 39.3)
White collar 18 082 862 19 981 996 2793 2885 48.2 (46.1, 50.3) 45.4 (43.2, 47.6) 34.4b (25.4, 43.4) 30.6b (22.4, 38.8) 44.7 (38.7, 51.2) 39.2 (32.1, 46.2)
Service 3 272 511 5 099 729 595 834 36.6 (32.4, 40.7) 38.5 (34.7, 42.3) 21.4b (12.6, 30.3) 31.6 (22.1, 41.0) 39.1 (30.4, 47.9) 33.9 (25.2, 42.7)
Farm worker 751 355 249 062 129 37c 35.4 (25.3, 45.5) 21.5c (7.2, 35.8) 2.4bc (0.0, 7.4) 0.0bc (0.0, 0.0) 24.4c (0.0, 57.2) 68.8c (9.3, 128.3)
Blue collar 6 455 588 6 979 093 993 997 33.8 (30.3, 37.2) 31.1 (27.7, 34.4) 19.2b (12.1, 26.3) 14.0b (8.1, 20.0) 42.2 (33.5, 50.9) 26.9 (19.1, 34.8)
Colorectal screening (age ≥ 50 y)
All workers 28 641 982 32 431 523 4519 4771 32.3d (30.6, 34.0) 43.3d (41.6, 45.0) 23.7b (18.4, 28.9) 27.6b (22.9, 32.3) 29.6 (25.5, 33.8) 36.7b (32.3, 41.1)
White collar 18 139 063 20 063 939 2799 2897 36.6d (34.5, 38.7) 48.4d (46.2, 50.6) 37.8 (28.5, 47.1) 36.4b (27.7, 45.2) 31.4 (25.5, 37.2) 42.6 (35.6, 49.5)
Service 3 279 957 5 119 459 596 838 24.7d (20.7, 28.7) 38.2d (34.2, 42.2) 21.6 (10.8, 32.4) 23.4b (16.2, 30.7) 18.3 (11.7, 25.0) 32.5 (23.7, 41.2)
Farm worker 749 519 249 062 128 37c 20.8 (12.9, 28.8) 30.8c (14.5, 47.1) 4.5c (0.0, 13.3) 9.2c (0.0, 26.1) 0.0bc (0.0, 0.0) 0.0c (0.0, 0.0)
Blue collar 6 473 443 6 999 063 996 999 25.6d (22.6, 28.6) 32.9d (29.6, 36.3) 11.3b (5.7, 16.8) 22.1 (14.7, 29.6) 39.4b (31.0, 47.9) 31.5 (23.7, 39.4)
Manual breast examination (age ≥ 20 y)
All workers 42 929 966 41 933 057 7344 6556 89.1d (88.2, 89.9) 83.3d (82.2, 84.5) 74.5bd (71.1, 77.9) 62.2bd (58.0, 66.4) 88.7d (86.4, 90.9) 78.5bd (75.7, 81.4)
White collar 31 438 346 30 387 403 5225 4559 91.8d (90.9, 92.6) 86.6d (85.3, 87.8) 84.5bd (80.4, 88.6) 74.1bd (69.0, 79.3) 92.0d (89.8, 94.3) 81.4bd (77.8, 85.0)
Service 6 952 627 8 079 865 1304 1414 82.1d (79.7, 84.5) 75.8d (73.1, 78.5) 63.3b (56.5, 70.1) 49.8b (42.7, 56.9) 80.7 (75.1, 86.2) 76.0 (71.0, 81.0)
Farm worker 346 588 117 500 59 23c 84.1 (74.5, 93.7) 67.0c (44.0, 90.0) 50.9c (24.2, 77.5) 53.2c (23.4, 83.0) 82.3c (47.0, 100.0) 45.5c (0.0, 100.0)
Blue collar 4 192 405 3 408 289 756 560 80.8 (77.3, 84.3) 73.1 (68.5, 87.8) 62.3b (54.2, 70.5) 47.9b (38.0, 57.7) 89.5bd (84.7, 94.3) 70.0d (59.7, 80.3)
Mammogram (age ≥ 40 y)
All workers 28 398 360 30 088 247 4753 4604 86.2 (85.0, 87.5) 86.4 (85.3, 87.6) 77.5b (73.0, 82.1) 75.6b (70.7, 80.5) 82.5 (79.3, 85.6) 83.0b (79.6, 86.3)
White collar 20 928 158 21 843 139 3402 3223 88.8 (87.4, 90.1) 88.4 (87.1, 89.7) 84.1 (79.0, 89.1) 80.9b (75.1, 86.7) 87.2 (84.0, 90.4) 84.3 (80.0, 88.6)
Service 4 513 855 5 688 639 829 974 76.1 (72.5, 79.7) 81.9 (78.8, 85.0) 67.1 (58.4, 75.9) 72.4 (63.3, 81.5) 70.5 (62.7, 78.3) 80.1 (73.8, 86.3)
Farm worker 222 687 89 054 40 17c 82.5 (69.2, 95.8) 61.2c (33.5, 88.8) 88.4c (71.0, 100.0) 44.7c (5.8, 83.6) 100.0bc (100.0, 100.0) 100.0bc (100.0, 100.0)
Blue collar 2 733 660 2 467 415 482 390 83.9 (80.4, 87.3) 80.7 (76.0, 85.5) 74.8 (66.0, 83.6) 67.9 (56.3, 79.6) 88.2 (81.2, 95.1) 84.0 (74.4, 93.6)
Papanicolaou test (age ≥ 18 y)
All workers 57 527 535 55 612 395 9624 8416 93.9 (93.2, 94.6) 94.0 (93.3, 94.7) 85.2b (82.3, 88.0) 87.6b (85.1, 90.1) 96.7 (95.5, 97.9) 94.2 (92.5, 95.8)
White collar 41 762 462 39 164 261 6836 5742 95.4 (94.7, 96.0) 95.9 (95.3, 96.6) 89.8 (87.3, 92.3) 93.8 (91.7, 95.8) 97.2 (95.9, 98.5) 94.9 (93.3, 96.4)
Service 9 915 550 12 032 430 1773 1965 89.8 (87.9, 91.6) 90.2 (88.3, 92.1) 80.1 (75.1, 85.1) 84.0 (79.3, 88.7) 95.5 (92.5, 98.5) 93.2 (89.7, 96.7)
Farm worker 451 797 170 362 81 33c 90.5 (83.4, 97.7) 79.1c (58.5, 99.7) 82.7c (75.1, 85.1) 66.8c (38.2, 95.4) 100.0c (100.0, 100.0) 100.0c (100.0, 100.0)
Blue collar 5 397 726 4 245 342 934 676 90.7 (87.0, 94.3) 87.7 (83.9, 91.5) 77.7 (68.5, 86.9) 76.5 (67.5, 85.6) 96.3 (92.5, 100.0) 92.8 (86.7, 98.8)
Prostate-specific antigen test (age ≥ 50 y)
All workers 15 314 204 17 098 683 2233 2313 50.8d (48.3, 53.2) 58.4d (55.9, 60.8) 37.4b (30.4, 44.7) 44.6 (37.8, 51.5) 53.2 (45.3, 61.6) 54.5 (47.1, 61.8)
White collar 8 328 019 9 090 371 1162 1187 56.3d (53.0, 59.6) 64.6d (61.3, 67.9) 48.1 (33.4, 62.8) 55.1 (40.9, 69.3) 60.5 (47.6, 73.4) 54.0 (42.6, 65.5)
Service 1 138 305 1 911 844 190 292 46.8 (38.1, 55.4) 53.1 (46.3, 59.8) 41.2c (15.8, 66.5) 40.6 (25.4, 55.8) 44.0 (29.2, 58.8) 55.6 (36.1, 75.2)
Farm worker 631 672 206 027 108 27c 52.8 (42.0, 63.7) 60.2c (38.5, 82.0) 16.2bcd (5.9, 26.5) 0.0bcd (0.0, 0.0) 47.4cd (1.1, 93.6) 0.0cd (0.0, 0.0)
Blue collar 5 216 208 5 890 441 773 807 42.5d (38.8, 46.2) 50.4d (46.5, 54.3) 32.1 (22.3, 41.9) 42.0 (32.2, 51.7) 52.3 (41.7, 62.8) 54.9 (44.4, 65.4)
Current health insurance (age ≥ 18 y)
All workers 127 943 300 127 771 802 19 633 17 640 84.5d (83.8, 85.2) 82.3d (81.6, 83.1) 61.7b (59.0, 64.5) 59.1b (56.8, 61.4) 80.3b (78.5, 82.1) 78.0b (75.5, 80.5)
White collar 76 445 923 74 241 954 11 701 10 152 91.0 (90.4, 91.6) 89.4 (88.7, 90.2) 78.4b (75.4, 81.4) 79.1b (75.8, 82.3) 86.1b (84.2, 88.0) 83.7b (81.0, 86.3)
Service 16 960 933 22 269 921 2813 3338 71.1 (69.1, 73.0) 71.0 (69.1, 72.9) 48.9b (42.9, 54.8) 49.3b (45.0, 53.6) 68.7 (64.4, 73.0) 67.9 (63.0, 72.7)
Farm worker 2 958 645 969 731 486 146 64.8 (59.2, 70.3) 61.8 (52.0, 71.6) 30.4b (21.1, 39.6) 37.6 (22.8, 52.4) 66.5c (47.8, 85.3) 66.9c (21.6, 100.0)
Blue collar 31 577 799 30 290 196 4633 4004 77.8 (76.4, 79.2) 73.9 (72.2, 75.6) 55.1b (51.5, 58.8) 48.8b (45.1, 52.6) 78.7 (75.1, 82.4) 77.2 (72.9, 81.5)

Note. CI = confidence interval.


Worker estimates based on NHIS sampling weights and estimates vary by screening age cutoff and nonresponse to screening questions.


Statistically different compared with all workers within the same year.


Sample size was under 45, which is considered unstable by the NHIS.


Statistically different between years.