Fig. 8.
Enteropathogenic bacteria in vivo activate Src in rabbit cecal epithelial cells. A: representative single 3D xy projection from 0.5 μm confocal optical sections of cecal tissue from PBS-treated animals; bar, 50 μm. There is virtually no active p-Src (red) present in epithelial cells, whereas some red signal is detected in lamina propria. B–D: representative single 3D xy projection from 0.5-μm confocal optical sections of cecal tissue from RDEC-H19A-infected animal; bar in H, 20 μm. Active p-Src (red) appears at the apical surface of epithelial cells, follows the pattern of perijunctional F-actin ring (green), and displaces the F-actin compared with the neighboring cells without p-Src apical signal and with prominent F-actin apical staining. Similar images were obtained from cecal tissue from RDEC-1-infected rabbits, indicating that Stx1 itself is not involved in Src activation.