Figure 6.
(A) Normal neutrophils were primed with buffer (cells), 2 ng/ml TNF-α, or C5a in different concentrations for 25 min at 37°C. Afterward, neutrophils were stimulated with an activating mAb to MPO (αMPO Ab) or a matching isotype control (isotype mAb). ROS production was measured by the ferricytochrome assay, and data are the 45-min time point (data from four independent experiments performed in duplicate). (B) Neutrophils were primed as described already and subsequently activated with 125 μg/ml normal IgG (Ctrl IgG), PR3-ANCA IgG (PR3 IgG), or MPO-ANCA IgG (MPO IgG); activation was measured by the ferricytochrome assay, and data are the 45-min time point. □, Unprimed cells; ▪, C5a-primed cells; , TNF-α–primed cells (data from three independent experiments each using two different PR3-ANCA IgG, two different MPO-ANCA IgG, and two different normal IgG, done in duplicate).