The distributed AC and its extrinsic relations. (A) The ascending (black) and descending (blue) auditory systems. (B) The multimodal limb targets primarily non-tonotopic AC areas (Bowman and Olson, 1988a), which are linked to tonotopic areas via corticocortical input (Bowman and Olson, 1988b). Vestibular and somatic sensory influence reaches MGB subdivisions (Blum et al., 1979) which project widely to AC and beyond (Winer and Morest, 1983). (C) The premotor relations with nigral, striatal, and paralemniscal areas might coordinate skeletal (Olazábal and Moore, 1989) and smooth muscle (Winer, 2006) and vocalization-related pathways (Feliciano et al., 1995) in auditory and multimodal behaviors. (D) The plasticity-associated limb is related to nucleus basalis (NB/SI) input to AC (Kamke et al., 2005). Perirhinal cortex targets both MGB (chiefly non-lemniscal) and AC (all areas) extensively (Witter and Groenewegen, 1986). (E) The AC input to the amygdala (Al) and central gray (CG) allows access to many extraauditory sites (Clascá et al., 2000). (F) In the macaque, convergent input to the prefrontal cortex may represent parallel acoustic object recognition and localization streams, respectively (Rauschecker and Tian, 2000); frontal lobe influence likewise reaches wide expanses of the supratemporal plane (Jones and Powell, 1970). Input from the multimodal suprageniculate nucleus (Sl) to the frontal lobe (?) is of unknown significance (Kobler et al., 1987). Relations with the thalamic reticular nucleus (Crabtree, 1998) and the effects of ventral tegmental stimulation on AC plasticity (Bao et al., 2001) have been omitted for reasons of space. See text for discussion.