Figure 2.
MCL case showing (A): Diffuse infiltration by monotonous atypical small lymphoid cells with dark nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli (H & E, 400 ×), (B): Positive reaction to CD 20 (400×), (C): Positive reaction to CD 5(400×), (D): Negative reaction to CD23 (400×), (E): FCM dot plots of a case of MCL showing (i) Small FSc, (ii) Negative isotype control (iii, iv, v) Triple marker showing atypical population showing positive reaction to CD45, CD 19, negative reaction to CD 3 (vi) B-cells show positive reaction toCD 5, CD19 (vii) Negative reaction toCD 23 (viii) Monoclonality for λ light chain (ix) Overlapping histogram showing B-cell monoclonality expressing λ light chain (arrow).