Figure 3. The inhibition of PARG function induces ectopic CBs and relocation of PARP1 protein from chromatin into CBs.
(A, B) The salivary glands dissected from the Parg27.1 mutants expressing PARP1-DsRed (red) transgene. DNA was stained with Draq5 dye. Antibody against LSM11 protein (green) (A) and anti-Coilin (green) (B) were used to detect Cajal bodies. N – nucleolus. (C) Fluorescent in situ hybridization of U85 scaRNA. The salivary glands dissected from the Parg27.1 mutants expressing PARPe-EGFP transgene. U85 scaRNA probe (green) detects CBLP. Rabbit antibody against GFP protein (red) detects PARPe-EGFP. To visualize chromatin (blue), mouse anti-histone H1 antibody was used. Arrows indicate CBLP with strong colocalization of U85 scaRNA and PARP protein.