Figure 3.
Validation of experimental transcripts. A) IP assays and semiquantitative RT-PCR amplification (25–30 cycles) were done to test library and non-related targets (RBP3) in the fraction of mRNAs bound to each protein. Specific set of primers shown at the right side of each panel were used. Only representative dilutions are shown. B) Abundance of transcripts present in TcUBP1 and TcRBP3 IP samples was assessed by real-time RT-PCR. Two mRNA targets for each protein in each IP sample were quantified. The relations of TcUBP1 over TcRBP3 targets in TcUBP1, and in TcRBP3 IP samples are plotted. The inverse relations are also shown. C) Parasites were in vivo treated with formaldehyde to maintain endogenous mRNP previous to IP and RT-PCR assays. PS, preimmune serum.