Fig. 3.
Schematic representation of the distribution of sites under PDS in type I (a) and type II (b) sequences. MADS, I, K, and COOH domains are indicated. In a, the upper row corresponds to branch-site analysis along the branch leading to PHERES1, and the rest of the rows correspond, from top to bottom, to the site analyses performed below the nodes marked with the boxed letters AG, AH, AL, AP, AQ, and AR in Fig. 2a. In b, the upper row corresponds to branch-site analysis along the FLC branch and the lower row corresponds to branch-site analysis along the SVP branch. In a, the upper scale corresponds to amino acid position along the MADS domain and the lower scale corresponds to amino acid position along our alignment. In b, the scale corresponds to amino acid position along our alignment. Sites with PP > 0.70 are included. Shaded regions in b were excluded from PDS to avoid false positives. All sites are listed in Tables 1 and 2.