Phosphorylation of pRb in synchronized population
of tumor versus normal cells. Both cell types were synchronized by
double thymidine block procedure. At the indicated times after release
from double thymidine block, cell lysates were prepared and subjected
to Western blot analysis (A) and histone H1 or GST-Rb kinase
analysis (B). Protein (50 μg) for each time point was
applied to each lane of either a 6% (pRb) or 10% (cyclins E and A)
acrylamide gel and blotted as described. The same blot was reacted with
cyclin E monoclonal (HE12) and cyclin A affinity-purified polyclonal
antibodies. The blots were stripped between the two assays as described
for Fig. 1. For kinase activity, equal amounts of proteins (600 μg)
from cell lysates prepared from each cell line at the indicated times
were immunoprecipitated with anti-cyclin E (polyclonal) coupled to
protein A beads using either histone H1 or purified GST-Rb as
substrates. (C) The relative percentage of cells in
different phases of the cell cycle for each cell line at various times
after release from double thymidine block was calculated from flow
cytometric measurements of DNA content. ♦, cells in S phase;
○, cells in G2/M phase; □, cells in
G1 phase.