FIGURE 2. Colocalization of BrdU nuclear labeling with Müller glial cell markers.
(A–C) Retinal sections collected 1 day after saline (A) or α-AA treatment (B, C) were stained with antibodies against CRALBP (A) or double-stained with antibodies against BrdU and either the bipolar cell marker PKCα (B) or the microglia marker isolectin (C, arrow). BrdU nuclear labeling did not colocalize with any of these retinal markers in the double-labeling experiment. Arrows: isolectin+ cells (C). (D–I) Photomicrographs of retinal sections prepared at 12 hours (D–F) and 1 day (G–I) after α-AA treatment and double-stained with antibodies against BrdU and CRALBP. Arrows: Müller cell nuclei costained by anti-BrdU. One day after α-AA injection, many BrdU+/CRALBP+ cells appeared in the ONL. (J–M) Orthogonal confocal images show colocalization of BrdU+ nuclei in cells labeled with CRALBP in the ONL (arrows). Arrows: Müller cell nuclei. Scale bars: 40 µm (A, B, E–J); 16 µm (C, D).