FIGURE 7. BrdU+ cells expressing neural progenitor cell markers at day 1 after α-AA injection in vivo.
(A–C) Photomicrographs of retinal sections collected from adult mice 0, 1, and 7 days after α-AA treatment and 4 hours after exposure to BrdU. (D) BrdU+ cells in the ONL at different times after α-AA treatment. BrdU was injected intraocularly 4 hours before death. (E–L) Retinal sections collected 3 days after α-AA treatment were immunostained for BrdU and nestin (E–H) or Chx10 (I–L). (M, N) Bipolar cells in the INL of the adult retina were immunopositive for Chx10. No significant differences in distribution and nuclear size of bipolar cells were noted in (M) saline- and (N) α-AA-injected group. Scale bars: (A–G); 40 µm; (H, L) 16 µm; (I–K, M, N) 25 µm.