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. 2008 Dec 3;39(1):2–15. doi: 10.1093/jjco/hyn127

Table 5.

Efficacies and adverse reactions of S-1 alone and of S-1 in combination with low- or high-dose CDDP

A retrospective study (Ref. 52)
SPIRITS trial (Phase III) (Refs 50,51)
S-1 and low-dose CDDP, n = 32 S-1 and high-dose CDDP, n = 148 S-1 alone, n = 150
 Response rate 78.1% (25/32) 54.0% (47/87) 31.1% (33/106)
 Prior chemotherapy
  Absent 80.0% (16/20) 54.0% (47/87) 31.1% (32/106)
  Present 75.1% (9/12)
 MST 12 months 13 months 11 months
  1-year survival 48.1% 54.1% 46.7%
  2-year survival 23.0% 23.6% 15.3%
Adverse events
 Total (≥G3, %) 15.6 (5/32) 66.9 (99/148) 24.7 (37/150)
  Leukocytopenia 0 11.5 2.0
  Anemia 0 25.7 4.0
  Thrombocytopenia 12.5 5.4 0
  Nausea/vomiting 0 15.6 3.3
  Anorexia 0 30.4 6.0
  Fatigue 0 4.1 1.3
  HFS 0 0 0
  Renal dysfunction 3.1 0 0
Convenience and quality of life (QOL) Hydration (−)
Hydration (+)
Hospitalization (3–4 days/5 weeks)
Hydration (−)

SPIRITS, S-1 plus cisplatin versus S-1 alone for first-line treatment of advanced gastric cancer; CDDP, cisplatin; MST, median survival time; HFS, hand–foot syndrome.