NeuroD1 and E47 bind to radiolabeled oligonucleotides containing E-box 3 from the mouse GnRHR gene promoter. EMSAs were performed with radiolabeled oligonucleotides encompassing E-box 3 in the 5' flanking region of the mouse GnRHR gene. Radiolabeled oligonucleotide probe was incubated with nuclear proteins from αT3-1 cells. Specific protein/DNA complexes were identified by competition with 250- or 500-fold excess unlabelled oligonucleotides containing a mutated E-box 3 (µE-box), homologous competitor (wild type Ebox 3), or a positive control E-box from the POMC gene (POMC). Identification of the bHLH transcription factors in specific complexes was determined by inclusion of an antibody directed against NeuroD1 or the ubiquitously expressed bHLH heterodimerization partner, E47.