Figure 7. DRG explants and dissociated cells display aberrant branching upon ablation of Egfr.
(a) Photomicrograph of wild-type P0 whole DRG explant after 4 days in culture, and labeling with PGP9.5. (b) Egfr null P0 DRG explant displays more branches than the wild-type littermate. Wild-type (c) and Egfr null (d) P0 dissociated DRG neurons labeled with PGP9.5. The Egfr null neurons demonstrate significantly increased branching compared to the littermate controls. Numbers indicate mean branch points ±SEM quantified as described in the Materials and Methods. Mean for the Egfr null is significantly greater than for the controls using a Student’s t-test, where P≤0.0001. N = 30 cells. Scale bar is 1 mm.