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. 2009 Feb 1;9:45. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-9-45

Table 2.

Number of women who correctly answered questions on nutrition and health knowledge (Test performed at the last postpartum visit)

Urban Rural Total

Intervewntion Control Intervention Control Intervention Control
(n73) (n = 69) (n = 81) (n = 79) (n = 154) (n = 148)

n % n % n % n % n % n %
Milk is the best source of calcium 65 89.04 25 36.23** 45 55.56 29 36.71* 110 71.43 54 36.49**
Chicken is more nutritious than chicken soup 63 86.3 26 37.68** 55 67.9 30 37.97** 118 76.62 56 37.84**
Women can eat vegetables and fruit during puerperium 69 94.52 46 66.67** 70 86.42 51 64.56** 139 90.26 97 65.54**
Which food contains abundant vitamin C and carotene 67 91.78 31 44.93** 72 88.89 51 64.56** 139 90.26 82 55.41**
Food sources of high quality protein 26 35.62 6 8.70** 12 14.81 11 13.92 38 24.68 17 11.49**
Which food is iron-rich 63 86.3 40 57.97** 59 72.84 39 49.37** 121 78.57 79 53.38**
Kelp contains affluent iodine 69 94.52 54 78.26* 76 93.83 57 72.15** 145 94.16 111 75.00**
Colostrums should feed the infant 71 97.26 49 71.01** 77 95.06 53 67.09** 148 96.1 102 68.92**
Breast milk is the best food for infants 69 94.52 61 88.41 73 90.12 63 79.75* 142 92.21 124 83.78**
Bedroom should be ventilated everyday 68 93.15 51 73.91** 75 92.59 59 74.68** 143 92.86 110 74.32**
Relevant activity is better for recovery 69 94.52 54 78.26** 77 95.06 64 81.01** 146 94.81 118 79.73**
Sexual activity should not be initiated until 6 weeks after giving birth 68 93.15 44 63.77** 72 88.89 48 60.76** 140 90.91 92 62.16**
Vitamin D can be gained by basking in the sunshine 60 82.19 28 40.58** 66 81.48 41 51.90** 126 81.82 69 46.62**
Breastfeeding will not induce obesity of mother 67 91.78 50 72.46* 73 90.12 54 68.35** 140 90.91 104 70.27**
Women can brush teeth and take shower during puerperium 69 94.52 47 68.12** 73 90.12 55 69.62** 142 92.21 102 68.92**

** Indicates P-value of < 0.01 from x2-test between intervention and control groups.

* Indicates P-value of < 0.05 from x2-test between intervention and control groups.