Analysis of release of VLPs with wild-type and mutant M proteins.
A, cells were transfected with plasmids encoding wild-type (WT) or
the indicated mutant M proteins. Cells were continuously labeled with
[35S]methionine, labeled VLPs were concentrated by centrifugation
through a 15% sucrose cushion, and VLPs and cell lysates (Cells) were
analyzed by SDS-PAGE and phosphorescence imaging. EV, empty vector.
B, quantification of M protein in VLPs expressed as a percent of
total cellular M protein. Data are presented as the averages of three separate
experiments ± S.D. Statistical differences were determined using
Student's t test. *, significantly different from
wild-type (p < 0.05). C, analysis of release of VLPs with
single and double mutations in the YIG sequence. VLP release was assayed as in
A except that M proteins were immunoprecipitated from cell lysates
before SDS-PAGE and phosphorimaging.