Effects of Dgat1 deficiency on retinoid homeostasis are
epidermis-autonomous. a, specific deletion of Dgat1 in
epidermis. Shown is PCR detection of the wild-type and floxed allele of
Dgat1 and Cre transgene in genomic DNA. Interleukin-2 (IL-2)
served as an internal PCR control. The absence of a PCR band indicates
Cre-mediated recombination. b, absence of Dgat1 mRNA in the
epidermis of K14-Cre+Dgat1flox/flox
(EP-D1KO) mice. mRNA levels of Dgat1 in the tail epidermis and WAT
were quantified by real time PCR. (age 13 weeks, n = 3–6
mice/group). c, cyclical alopecia in EP-D1KO mice. Alopecia was
detectable by 7.5 weeks of age. Note partial hair regrowth by 10.5 weeks of
age. Alopecia was not observed in control mice. (n = 6/genotype).
d, increased mRNA expression of RA target genes in whole skin of
EP-D1KO mice. mRNA levels were quantified by real time PCR (age 13 weeks,
n = 5/genotype). *, p < 0.0001; **,
p = 0.0002 versus control.