In vivo attenuation of venous thrombosis by TF Ab.
A, specific binding of anti-mTF Ab to human and murine TF. Detergent
lysates of stimulated HUVECs and murine macrophages were immunoblotted by the
rabbit anti-mTF polyclonal Ab. B and C, inhibition of human
and murine TF activity by anti-mTF Ab. HUVECs and murine macrophages were
stimulated with LPS, TNF-α, and PMA, and the activity of human and
murine TF was determined in the presence of rabbit preimmune IgG and anti-mTF
Ab. Results are presented as the mean ± S.D. value of triplicate
measurements of three independent experiments (*, p <
0.05; **, p < 0.01 versus rabbit IgG group).
D, thrombotic mice were either untreated (n = 7) or treated
with Andro (n = 13), anti-mTF Ab (n = 11), Andro plus the
anti-mTF (n = 10), or rabbit preimmune IgG (n = 6). After 6
days, venous thrombi were removed, weighed, and measured for length. The
weight was then normalized to length. Results are presented as the mean
± S.D. value from two separate experiments (**, p
< 0.01 versus model group).