Overexpression of mTOR suppresses PKC-δ- and Akt-induced ICAM-1
expression in endothelial cells. A, HUVEC were transfected with
pcDNA3-PKCδ-CAT, pcDNA3-Akt-CAT, or pRK5-mTOR-WT using Lipofectamine
2000 as described under “Experimental Procedures.” After 24 h,
total cell lysates were prepared and analyzed by immunoblotting using an
anti-PKC-δ, anti-HA, or anti-mTOR antibody to verify the expression of
PKCδ-CAT, Akt-CAT, or mTOR, respectively. PKC-δ-CAT corresponds to
∼47 kDa as it contains only the catalytic domain and therefore can be
distinguished from the endogenous PKC-δ (76 kDa). Anti-HA antibody
allowed the detection of Akt-CAT but not the endogenous Akt. Increased
expression of mTOR in mTOR-WT-transduced cells was due to overexpressed mTOR.
Actin levels were used to monitor loading. B, HUVEC were transfected
with pCDNA3-PKCδ-CAT in combination with pRK5-mTOR-WT using
Lipofectamine 2000 as described under “Experimental Procedures.”
Total cell lysates were resolved by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted with an
antibody to ICAM-1. Actin levels were used to monitor loading. Results are
representative of two separate experiments. C, HUVEC were transfected
with pCDNA3-Akt-CAT in combination with pRK5-mTOR-WT using Lipofectamine 2000
as described under “Experimental Procedures.” Total cell lysates
were resolved by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted with an antibody to ICAM-1. Actin
levels were used to monitor loading. Results are representative of two
separate experiments.