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. 2007 Sep;1(3):192–208. doi: 10.2976/1.2773861

Table 2.

Mean and standard deviations of parameter values. For given oscillation frequencies ω∕2π, which were determined from the power spectrum [Fig. 3B] the stiffness per unit length K and the friction per unit length λ were used as fit parameters. The amplitude of basal sliding Δ˜0 and therefore the values of the basal stiffness and friction ks and γs were inferred from the best fits. The normalized mean squared distance between experimental and theoretical curves, as defined in the Materials and Methods section, is denoted by Q. The number n of sperm for each condition is indicated. The values obtained by averaging over all experimental conditions are summarized in the bottom two rows. The fit parameters presented here were obtained from the dimensionless fit parameters using estimated values for the diameter of the axoneme, a=185 nm, its bending rigidity κ=1.7×10−21 N m2, friction coefficient per unit length ξ, and flagellar length L=58.3 μm. Using a distance of 4 μm between the flagellum and the cover slip, we estimated ξ=3.4×10−3 N s∕m2 for the experiments with clamped and pivoting head (observed at 22 °C) and ξ=2.5×10−3 N s∕m2 for the swimming sperm (observed at 36 °C). The length L does not include the length d=5.5 μm between the head center and the beginning of the flagellum. The estimation of parameters is discussed in Appendix C.

  K(kNm2) λ(Nsm2) ks(mNm) γs(mNsm) Δ˜0 (nm) ω∕2π (Hz) Q
Clamped head (n=6)
Mean −1.62 −7.6 94.8 0.274 170 20.6 0.977
s.d. 0.04 0.1 2.6 0.006 18 1.2 0.005
Pivoting head (n=5)
Mean −1.48 −7.9 88.6 0.299 145 20.0 0.958
s.d. 0.13 0.7 9.8 0.041 34 4.2 0.033
Planar swimming (n=7)
Mean −1.63 −5.3 96.2 0.201 162 31.3 0.953
s.d. 0.06 0.1 3.3 0.008 17 1.9 0.019
All (n=18)
Mean −1.58 −6.8 93.6 0.253 160 24.6 0.962
s.d. 0.10 1.3 6.3 0.048 24 6.0 0.023