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. 2008 Jan 7;2(1):29–41. doi: 10.2976/1.2820377

Table 2.

Construction of K5quali with values for the protein similarities based on the information about missing and available data. Each cell of the table contains the similarity between two proteins x and x. The values to complete missing data were ε=0.01, θ=0.02, the mean similarity of the detected protein xX1 with other proteins inside X1 (mx) and the overall mean similarity for the comparison of two nonobservable proteins (X3). As the similarity between the protein and itself is maximal, the diagonal of K5quali is composed of ones.

  Observed X1 ObservableX2 Nonobservable X3
Observed X1 K5*(x,x) ε mx=xxxX1K5*(x,x)[X11]
Observable X2 ε θ>ε ε
Nonobservable X3 mx=xxxX1K5*(x,x)[X11] ε 1X1xX1mx=m¯